Monday, December 1, 2008

First Post

This is my initial blog posting and I have no idea what I'm doing nor do I understand why anyone would care to view my blog. Let's see how it all shakes out.

Random Thoughts:

How about those Oklahoma Sooners!! It certainly must suck today if you are a Texas fan. I don't claim to understand anything about how the BCS makes their computer work but this time it fell the right way. Now they just have to beat Florida to make it all complete.

Kim and I recently returned from a week sailing in the British Virgin Islands with my brother Denny and his wife Jeanne along with their friends Mike and Magdna from Atlanta. Mike has a beautiful 52' sailboat "Vandalay" based in Tortolla and we had a wonderful time with them. Wonderful other than being nailed by a Cat 3 hurricane named Omar. I'll try and attach a few pics of that adventure. Try this link for more pics of the BVI's

Enough for my first post. Let's see how this looks after being posted.

1 comment:

Jerr Dunlap said...

Hi Rob - There's a pleasure in seeing common passions, joys and silliness in others' blogs. I also learn things I otherwise would not and meet some fascinating people, as well. Professionally, I'm actively networking by following blogs and in my blog, offer professional interactive quality advice and interaction about boat repair and seamanship. The quality of people I'm meeting is generally excellent and my business is growing, too! With respect to you, I've got much the same outdoor experiences and like seeing yours expressed.
- Jerr